Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Photo of the Day: Mannequin

a few weeks ago i decided that moving forward i would be transitioning this blog to gear more towards street style. this week i got a taste of what it might be like to do street style full time for this blog.

all i will say is this: hats off to Don Schuman. he makes it seem a LOT easier than it is. 

for my basic photography final project i decided to do a street style essay. (photos here) it wasn't terrible, and i actually really did enjoy myself, but some people are SO RUDE!

i understand that it might be off-putting to have a random stranger approach you and ask for you pictures, but seriously, i'm not an axe-wilding psychopath. RELAX already.

i actually had one woman blatantly ignore me and scurry away. like i was some kind of blight! i'm not even going to pretend that i wan't offended. *harumph* but i did make notice of who obliged me and who didn't. 

i want to say about 2/3 of the people i approached allowed me to photograph them. i was pleased. 
of the 1/3 that refused, 100% of them were white men and women over the age of 50.

i will say no more on that.

bruised ego aside, i really did enjoy shooting streetstyle photographs and it's definitely something i want to continue. i think i'm going to have some business cards made so that people aren't as creeped when i approach them (since i won't have the guise of CF after this month) in any case. i have tons of shots from yesterday so i'm gonna post them all in chunks i think. (or maybe not, we'll see) so look out for those. yay!

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