Sunday, May 29, 2011

tattoo cross

tattoo cross. cross tattoo
  • cross tattoo

  • j0417
    Apr 22, 05:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_7 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E303 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think it makes sense that so many different sources have different ideas. After the iphone4 leak I could see Apple purposely leaking false info to keep the hype up until september and prevent a real leak. Any thoughts on that?

    tattoo cross. the end Cross Tattoo (ow!
  • the end Cross Tattoo (ow!

  • cleanup
    Apr 5, 08:08 PM
    iPhone shot. (

    tattoo cross. Tribal tattoo Cross
  • Tribal tattoo Cross

  • iliketyla
    Apr 26, 07:13 PM
    I worked at McDonald's for a couple months when I was in high school. I was never "trained" not to intervene in conflicts. It never even came up.

    But just being who I am I can tell you right now I would've thrown those bi***** through those windows if I saw them molly whopping on an individual who wasn't fighting back.

    tattoo cross. Celtic Tattoo Design
  • Celtic Tattoo Design

  • everydave
    May 3, 08:00 AM
    I've not seen any word on if one could use the new iMacs as an external display like you could previously. A 27" display with a "built in" quad core media server for the price of a core 2 duo mini is sounding really good right now!

    tattoo cross. cross designs for tattoos.
  • cross designs for tattoos.

  • Eye4Desyn
    Apr 25, 11:51 AM
    The new iMacs couldn't come any faster. It's about time! (does happy dance) :D

    tattoo cross. irish cross tattoos.
  • irish cross tattoos.

  • longofest
    Dec 1, 02:43 PM
    Sober up, Steve. Less time on Time Machine and more time on solidifying the system.

    AppleTalk: Who uses it, and why?

    I'm pretty sure that any time you use Personal file sharing, you are using AppleTalk.

    EDIT: More info... Personal File Sharing is based off of Apple Filing Protocol ( From wikipedia:

    AFP versions 3.0 and greater rely exclusively on TCP/IP (port 548 or 427) for establishing communication, supporting AppleTalk only as a service discovery protocol. The AFP 2.x family supports both TCP/IP and AppleTalk for communication and service discovery. Many third-party AFP implementations use AFP 2.x, thereby supporting AppleTalk as a connection method. Still earlier versions rely exclusively on AppleTalk. For this reason, some older literature refers to AFP as "AppleTalk Filing Protocol". Other literature may refer to AFP as "AppleShare," the name of the Mac OS 9 (and earlier) AFP client.

    tattoo cross. tribal tattoo cross
  • tribal tattoo cross

  • rico99
    Apr 13, 08:37 PM
    Here, I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to keep my 2G iPhone working until iPhone5 came out.

    tattoo cross. heart cross tattoo.
  • heart cross tattoo.

  • CEAbiscuit
    Jul 24, 03:43 PM
    Make it easy to clean, or I'm sticking with my Kensington Trackball. 10 years, the same design. And I can replace the white trackball with my favorite snooker ball.

    tattoo cross. rip cross tattoo.
  • rip cross tattoo.

  • firestarter
    Apr 24, 05:14 PM
    People get beat up for no reason all the time. It doesn't have to do anything with bullying or the victim being a transgender. From what the victim said, the attackers used a standard "excuse" to start a fight. ("Why are you talking to my man?", if I understood correctly.)

    That's not what the McDonalds employee seemed to suggest (

    tattoo cross. Cross Tattoos are symbols of
  • Cross Tattoos are symbols of

  • Pillar
    Sep 13, 11:20 AM
    coffee from chevron. i can't recall the make

    tattoo cross. Cross Tattoos
  • Cross Tattoos

  • dgree03
    Mar 29, 08:26 AM
    Well Google I/O conference sold out in 59 Minutes! ( :eek:

    tattoo cross. cross tattoos
  • cross tattoos

  • CrAkD
    Apr 25, 11:43 AM
    I'm ready to transition to a sandy bridge iMac with a multidrive thunderbolt enclosure! Bring it on!!

    tattoo cross. Body cross tattoo
  • Body cross tattoo

  • bodeh6
    Oct 24, 08:43 AM
    as others have mentioned, i'm a little surprised that only the 17inch model has a 7200rpm drive option. i'm going to check with apple directly to see if i can get a custom 15inch with a 7200 drive. my audio apps don't work well with the anything slower.

    having said that, the ram, fw800 and dual layer burner are a nice addition

    That is weird but according to the website in the specs page, the 15" has the following options
    -120GB @5400 RPM
    -160GB @5400 RPM Add $100
    -200GB @7200 RPM Add $200

    While the 17" has
    -100GB @7200 RPM Subtract $100
    -160GB @5400 RPM
    -200GB @4200 RPM Add $100

    tattoo cross. New celtic cross tattoo trends
  • New celtic cross tattoo trends

  • louis Fashion
    Apr 26, 03:01 PM
    Originally Posted by Darlo770
    Should have bloody known >

    Originally Posted by louis Fashion
    Well they won't be charging me.

    You wouldn't consider paying $20 per YEAR?

    No, I pay Verizon, I pay COMCAST, I have my music on my iPods/iPad/Imacs another monthly fee is just one bridge too far. If you need it/want it bless you. I have to draw the line somewhere

    tattoo cross. Tattoo Cross Dragon Art
  • Tattoo Cross Dragon Art

  • Vegasman
    Apr 26, 01:00 PM
    so instead you're going to store them all on multiple machines? what do you think the cloud is for? lol

    Uh no...

    You need to follow the thread. The poster was using his 2 TB drive as his cloud using a 5$ software.

    tattoo cross. Cross Tattoo Idea
  • Cross Tattoo Idea

  • OceanView
    Mar 17, 09:40 AM
    75-100 long at Brea. Not looking good at the moment.

    tattoo cross. Tattoos Of Crosses On Back.
  • Tattoos Of Crosses On Back.

  • MacCheetah3
    Jul 24, 10:25 PM
    1) I don't see the right / left clicking complaint to be valid. It does work differently than a three peice ( two button / rest of shell ) mouse but all it takes is some getting use to. It isn't a design flaw, as far as my opinion goes

    2) The scroll ball is a design flaw to an extent but not overly difficult to fix. It simply gets 'greasy' from hand oils, ... Normally using "just enough" rubbing alcohol on a cloth or paper towel and [vigorously] rolling the MM upside down on it with the scroll ball cleans and dislodges any "gunk" buildup. Tedious and one shouldn't have to do it but I've never seen a mouse that stays perfectly clean with 'normal' use.

    tattoo cross. jesus on cross tattoo.
  • jesus on cross tattoo.

  • cmaier
    Apr 24, 06:12 PM
    The challenge



    1. Must be black.
    2. Must be metal with no sharp edges (rounded edges) and be as simplistic as possible. Camera.
    3. Touchscreen (no slide out keyboard)
    4. Ergonomically friendly and look nice.
    5. User interface to be nice and on par with present day interfaces (no 1990s looking icons).
    6. Docking interface.

    They are all going to look similar.

    MS seemed to be able to get by without appropriating the look of Apple's interface.

    tattoo cross. Winged dragon and cross tattoo
  • Winged dragon and cross tattoo

  • Moyank24
    Apr 20, 08:12 PM
    I said that I would play but I don't think Intell wants me since he hasn't added me to the list :P .

    I guess we'll take you. Frankly, at this point we'll take anybody. ;)

    Jul 24, 03:09 PM (

    DailyTech reports ( that a filing with the Federal Communications Commission reveals that Apple has developed a Bluetooth (wireless) version of its Mighty Mouse (, otherwise identical to the current model and its touch-sensitive cover, Scroll Ball, and force-sensing side buttons.

    The new Mighty Mouse uses two standard AA batteries and will be compatible with OS X 10.4.6 and later. No release date is set for the new Bluetooth Mighty Mouse -- currently codenamed M6, but judging from the FCC filing, the new mouse should arrive soon.

    MacRumors recently received word that Apple repair technicians and phone support had been briefed on how to deal with the new hardware, indicating a release may be imminent. The Mighty Mouse was introduced ( in August 2005.

    Update: According to a picture of a preliminary product manual obtained by AppleInsider (, the new wireless Mighty Mouse will use Laser tracking in place of the Optical tracking system the current USB Mighty Mouse uses. Laser-based mice typically are more accurate and less prone to errors on extremely smooth surfaces.

    Apr 29, 06:05 PM
    including Katy Perry's "E.T.", Jennifer Lopez's "On the Floor" and Lady Gaga's "Born This Way."

    what has the world come to in terms of music to consider these the best current music scene has to offer, take ANY decade prior since recorded music began and music would have been better, go 10 years or more back and these wouldn't even be in the top 200, I pity kids these days with the garbage they have to look forward to in terms of new popular music... really atrocious, anyone paying even as cent for this trite is seriously misguided.

    Sad to see we have all the great tech now but the music is so much worse than what it used to be, and that's not just the usual oh how good we had it in the past type of reminiscence, it's reality...

    1.29, .69, 10000,0000,0000.5, its rubbish anyway...:rolleyes:

    btw, what's with the rating system in the posts already? it sucks don't you get it? everyone's saying it does, just so you know, which you already do, but you don't seem to care...

    Jan 31, 01:47 AM
    Some yummy desserts from Solley's Bakery in Sherman Oaks.
    Let's see..... a chocolate cigar (which is basically a giant chocolate rugula), a s'mores brownie, chocolate (I forget the name) cookies, and chocolate flake macaroon cookies.

    Have you tried Urth Cafe? They have some pretty good stuff. I go there a few times a month.

    Sep 30, 12:07 PM
    ATT, go check out HK to learn how to do it.:cool:

    Oct 23, 12:52 PM
    The bottom line is that this is just one more EULA violation that people will ignore on a daily basis, unless MS implements some way of enforcing it.

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