Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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    Jul 11, 03:14 PM
    Apple knows what their doing. They will wait as long as they can on the 5G. Then before competition arises they will release a new one to stay on top. I wouldn't doubt that they announce a new iPod during the WWDC(a month away, eeekkk!). Jobs talked a little bit about the iPod the last few years, at the WWDC.

    Then again, Microsoft lost money on every Xbox sold just to get their foot in the door. It's possible they will do the same thing on the "iPod Killer". Time will tell.

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  • Tonezorz
    May 4, 09:34 AM
    This post makes zero sense, and neither did your original claims.

    Care to elaborate? I realize I haven't had my coffee yet but makes sense on this end.

    Never been suspended for non-payment.
    Dropped a $10/month third line from plan ~ 6 months ago.

    Although, now that I'm waking up more, I did lower my rate plan as well a few months ago. The 2 of us weren't using 1400 minutes anymore, so we went down to 550. This must be the cause of it.

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  • slackersonly
    Jul 24, 03:17 PM
    Using Apple.com prices for comparison, current Mighty Mouse is $49 and Bluetooth Mouse is $59.

    I would like to see the Bluetooth Mighty Mouse at $59 or even better a Bluetooth Keyboard and Mighty Mouse Combo for $99.

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  • iMeowbot
    Jul 25, 05:15 AM
    No touch...mmmm...means I can use my tounge to change tunes when I have my hands full ;)
    The existing iPods already are lickable, though the 3rd gen controls are a little more convenient than the click wheel and button interfaces. Feel free to take my word on this, and if you feel the need to confirm, remember that it's probably rude in most places to lick someone else's iPod without asking nicely first.

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  • appleguy123
    Apr 28, 08:04 PM
    I'm not a she

    Maybe it's a reference to this?

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  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 31, 10:31 AM
    I am not too keen on this "cartoony" 3D effect Apple seem to be going for.

    Torn off pages� faux-leather binding� I mean doesn't anyone else think it is a bit corny?
    It really does seems as if the cutesyeness of the iOS is spreading over to OSX.

    I'd prefer a clean modern OS with usability first and foremost.

    Screw the gratuitous eyecandy�

    Most people with a mac also have ios devices, why not make it a bit more consistant?

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  • paulashman
    Oct 28, 01:52 PM
    Give some thought to the Citizen, which I believe is one size larger. I do bike, but even on days when I don't, I appreciate having the extra space for my laptop and other various junk.

    I recently got a bag in north face, great size and gets my macbook and other documents around with ease.

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  • djkny
    Oct 24, 07:56 AM
    And they delayed this update by 6-8 weeks for ... ?

    Would/Should we have waited if we knew then what we know now and will know in the future ?

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  • seanpholman
    Mar 17, 01:00 PM
    I think so coast got about 15 too. Rent a cop told us loiterers to leave

    Same as yesterday Was it the older guy with the eye that looked the other way? A-holes.


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  • SandynJosh
    Apr 29, 05:12 PM
    Oh good. I like lower prices.

    When I buy music, I typically buy from Amazon anyway. Their prices almost always seem to be cheaper than iTunes for the music I buy.

    /would not buy or listen to anything by the artists listed in the above article. Just sayin' :p

    I've only bought one song from Amazon and the sample rate was less than I get with iTunes. Anyone else notice a difference?

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 27, 10:02 PM
    For now, I'll switch. Nies

    Looks like I need to switch to nies.

    Deadline is 10:30 am EST.

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  • mjteix
    Apr 13, 10:35 AM
    Technical issues aside - odds are that Apple would rather sell you a new Mac Pro with Thunderbolt onboard.

    That would mean video onboard too. Which would not be completly dumb since the MP also plays the role of the Xserve now, and that some usages don't need a powerful gpu. For those usages that need one (or two), the PCIe slots are there, and the onboard Thunderbolt port(s) could be used as data port(s) only.

    The other way, is to release graphics cards including Thunderbolt port(s), and since Apple offers only a couple of them for the MP, it shouldn't be that complicated, especially when future Xeon SB cpus will offer 24/40 PCIe 3.0 lanes per cpu. A 16x PCIe 3.0 slot could accomodate 16x 2.0 lanes for the gpu itself and up to 16x 2.0 lanes for Thunderbolt controllers...

    I think that Intel wants Thunderbolt to carry video no matter what, that's, I believe, the reason why they said "no PCIe upgrade card" for existing computers. Someone can probably make a 16x PCIe 2.0 combo card with gpu + Thunderbolt, but the gpu would have to be connected thru only 8x lanes with 4x/8x lanes for the Thunderbolt port(s). Maybe it's a good idea, maybe it's not... Technically, there's no reason why it can't be done.

    In any case, Intel will release Thunderbolt's Developer Kits this quarter, so more technical info will be available, and some questions may be answered.

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  • trainguy77
    Oct 20, 11:06 PM
    I spent most of the night last night trying to get gpu2 running in wine on the i7 machine but ran into a problem and gave up. But I have found that the issue may not be with my set up, it may be the wu are bad so I will work on that again tonight to see what happens if I can get a different wu. Here is some info. (http://forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?t=82110)

    I would love to add the points from my 2 gtx 960's especially since that is why I got them :D

    here is a how too: http://moderngeek.com/node/81

    This might help too: http://gpu2.twomurs.com/index.php?title=Main_Page

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  • Digital Skunk
    May 3, 08:05 AM
    Finally, a quad core desktop class machine (in processors only I suppose) with ample I/O and a decent . . . . for Apple . . . . price.

    Shocked that Apple would give us TWO TBolt ports on the 27" with quad core across the line.

    The $1700 has my cheap side tingling but my professional side is telling me to wait for a Mac Pro update so I can at least consider a machine I can expand myself.

    On the plus side, that 21.5" is not a bad machine for the price.

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  • Inkling
    Oct 23, 02:46 PM
    All this messiness is why when I go Intel, I'll be looking at running the one Windows application I need--FrameMaker--under WINE/Crossover. No Windows code is necessary and thus no problem with licenses, legalities or paying Microsoft up to $300.

    And since WINE/Crossover isn't Windows, merely letting Windows applications run under OS X, it isn't troubled by the 200,000 Windows viruses, trojans etc. lurking out there.

    Lawsuits for violating some badly written EULA aren't your worst nightmare. Windows on your Mac means Windows viruses on your Mac and that's your worst nightmare.

    More on Wine/Crossover at Codeweavers:


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  • sam10685
    Jul 28, 10:47 AM
    I hate the name Zune.

    it reminds me of the month June, but with a Z instead. no way is M$ going to come up with a product that even remotely rivals the iPod.

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  • ug.mac
    Nov 3, 10:25 PM
    i just finished installing xp sp2 on vmware works fine....

    just under device manager it tells me one unregonised hardware....the video card... any1 knows how to solve this?
    or is it part of the game

    You need to install VMware tools from Virtual Machine menu.

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 27, 08:34 PM
    Anyone else find it odd the way jav has been acting?

    Pot meet kettle.

    im gonna follow with ucfgrad and throw -aggie- out there

    Wow, maybe there�s something to Appleguy�s theory about you.

    Anyway, I�m going into the hospital tomorrow morning and I�m not sure when I�ll be posting again. So, I�ll just leave it at:

    The village would be making a HUGE mistake to vote me off, if it comes to that. One of these two, Eldiablowjoe or nies without the bun is probably a WW.

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  • Northgrove
    Apr 14, 02:35 AM
    Duh, I can't believe some of the comments there...

    Probably iAds?
    No, it has to be a) a device (it's a app requirement list!) and b) something that runs iOS 3.0+.

    Could it be the Mac App Store?
    See above.

    apps for macs………..
    WTF? What's that? Anyway, see above.

    As for guesses for iPhone 5, no, that one's already covered by the "iPhone and iOS 3.0 or later" in that list. Same for iPod Touch, and iPad revisions.

    My only guess right now is Apple TV.

    Edit: Some here speculate in an iOS + OS X merge, and I guess that *could* happen. That could be compatible with iOS 3.0 and fit that list. Perhaps it's the biggest surprise Apple is holding back for OS X Lion. I still think a new revision of Apple TV is more likely though, since it already runs iOS.

    Nov 3, 11:34 AM
    It will be interesting to see changes the parallels will make. competition is nice. unless you are microsoft...

    ..who won't let you legally (http://download.microsoft.com/documents/useterms/Windows%20Vista_Ultimate_English_9d10381d-6fa8-47c7-83b0-c53f722371fa.pdf) install a "Home" version of Vista in a virtual enviroment, forcing you to pay more for the Ultimate version.

    Oct 6, 07:59 PM
    Maybe I will get my brother going under my username though. He has a 8 core.....

    Oct 24, 09:13 AM
    Looking at the 15" models. With the educational discount, is it worth an extra $500 for the 15" 2.33GHz, 2GB Ram, 256MB Graphics. The other model is 2.16GHz, 1GB Ram & 128MB Graphics.

    I'm going for the extra video RAM, i know it doesn't help much but it is a crappy card and needs to last me at least 2 years. Good enough for WoW though!

    Jan 30, 10:13 PM
    To interrupt on the burger talk ... my dinner :p

    Apr 27, 01:33 PM
    No- you hit a nerve when you tried to claim speculation as fact.

    Nope. This was your first reply to me before I even mentioned "fact" :

    You people really have problems. I feel sorry for you. That you would sit here and say things like this is just sad. Just what exactly is wrong with you? What is it that makes you so callous? Is it boredom? Or is it just fun for you the be this way?

    Yep, I truly hit a nerve. Your abrupt rant wasn't necessary, and why you only quoted me on it when others said the same thing is mystifying. Don't let your emotions get in the way of things.

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