Sunday, May 29, 2011

3d graffiti artists

3d graffiti artists. 3d Graffiti Art. Graffiti Art
  • 3d Graffiti Art. Graffiti Art

  • roland.g
    Apr 12, 10:08 AM
    THIS! :rolleyes:

    Remember Back to the Mac. Let's gear up some Lion, iMac revision and other Maccentric rumors. Page 2 it or get a new 'iOS Nothing new to see here folks' tab.

    Maybe I'll start a blog and call it Risky SuperNova. Then I can predict nonsense and get quoted every other week on MR.

    3d graffiti artists. 3d Graffiti Art
  • 3d Graffiti Art

  • Mord
    Apr 15, 04:34 PM
    From briefly playing with it this update brings a heck of a lot of bug fixes.


    3d graffiti artists. 3d graffiti art
  • 3d graffiti art

  • timinbovey
    Apr 26, 07:17 PM
    Let's just assume it's half music and half movies. That's roughly 142,000 songs and over 3000 movies. At .99 cents per song and $10 per movie, that's $170,000 if he paid for it. And he's complaining about $20 year. Hmmm....

    Well, I don't know about this guy specifically. But I own over 20,000 vinyl records. Average 10 tracks each, that's 200,000 songs right there. Not to count at least that many 45's. A collection I've gathered over 50 years. Not to mention 78's, cylinders, etc.

    Ever shopped a used music store? Movie store? Goodwill? I have thousands of movies myself, many of which I only paid a dollar or even less for.

    I download hundreds of songs from emusic for about half the iTunes price.

    It's pretty easy to amass a large collectiion without ever paying retail, and being completely legal.

    I can't even begin to count the LP's that have been GIVEN to me over the years by people who went to CD and didn't want them anymore, taking up room. Literally station wagons full -- back when station wagons were HUGE. Cost? How about 0 cents per track, except the time spent playing them into the computer. And I'll be damned if I rebuy all the vinyl I bought through the 60's, 70's and 80's.

    Ever have someone GIVE you a few hundred CD's because they're all now in their computer and ipod, and they don't want them taking up the room anymore? Sure, thats probably not legal, however, they made a copy and gave the originals away! It certainly wasn't a legal violation on my part! Are they supposed to put them in the trash? I suppose so.

    Any idea how many CD's you can buy out there at 50 cents a pop at second hand stores and garage sales? Somehow, that's still legal!

    I know I'm not the only one like me out here! Just saying... you're not considering the possibilities. And there's no way I would EVEr pay to stream my stuff from the internet (there is no "cloud")

    3d graffiti artists. 3D graffiti, whether it#39;s in
  • 3D graffiti, whether it#39;s in

  • tjcampbell
    Jun 6, 08:59 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    What's the big deal! Imagine if he downloaded the app, learned everything, passed the exam. Wonderboy Lawyer!!!!!!

    3d graffiti artists. Some 3D street art takes up
  • Some 3D street art takes up

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 3, 11:50 PM
    Mine pops up instantly. 2.0 GHz Macbook.

    Whatever dude. 2Ghz\2GB RAM\256MB Video\160GB HD and there is NOTHING instantaneous about Parallels at all. It takes anywhere from 1-2 minutes to resume a session and another 2+ minutes to suspend it. This is with multiple images, several OS X installs, and I know how to tweak Windows with the best of them. Then there is the bug where it likes to freeze the entire system when you change locations. Not always but it�s a common enough thing that I have to stop the session to change locations or risk crashing my system.

    3d graffiti artists. graffiti artist
  • graffiti artist

  • gnasher729
    Jul 24, 10:56 AM
    By definition, having alternatives makes Apple NOT a monopoly.

    It is not even necessary that there _are_ alternatives. It is enough if others _could_ enter the market if they wanted. In that situation, you cannot increase prices as you like, because at that point others _would_ enter the market.

    3d graffiti artists. Some 3D street art takes up
  • Some 3D street art takes up

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 11, 02:37 PM
    its about time apple is forced to compete with others for the best device again

    agreed. We haven't seen any ipod updates in a long, long time. The shuffle is over a year old, the nano is approaching a year, and even the 5G is no spring chicken any more. I certainly don't want to see MS cut too much in to apple's marketshare, but if a little competition means pushing apple a little more, that sounds good to me.

    3d graffiti artists. Awesome Art By Paramodel
  • Awesome Art By Paramodel

  • gugy
    Apr 13, 03:17 PM
    Apple Television

    seriously doubt it.

    Too big, too expensive, too many costs associate with transport/housing/shipping.
    Saturate market with great quality products, fierce competition and very low profit margins.

    In another words something Apple basically want to avoid.

    3d graffiti artists. 3d graffiti
  • 3d graffiti

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 24, 10:23 AM
    I just found that the person that was beat up was transgender and this was a hate crime. How come this is not all over the news? I guess hate crimes are okay now by black people but if a white person did this it would be the end of the world.

    They seemed pretty pissed off at her. I highly doubt they were beating her up like that simply because she's transgender. If they end up getting charged with a hate crime I'll lose a little more faith in humanity.

    3d graffiti artists. 3D graffiti artist Daim to
  • 3D graffiti artist Daim to

  • Fearless Leader
    Jan 26, 01:14 AM
    I've lost a bit. :( actually quite a lot. I bought at around 170ish a while ago in prepare for the surge of macworld like last year but am at a bit of a loss right now. I think my avatar shows my recent mood.

    3d graffiti artists. Amazing 3D Graffiti Artists
  • Amazing 3D Graffiti Artists

  • DPazdanISU
    Aug 15, 03:13 PM
    Oh. I thought it would be how fast the dock unhides when you hover over it.

    im pretty sure this allows you to control how often applications spring up and down in the dock when something happens in them-- kinda like when you get an incoming chat while you are using another app...

    alot of people get annoyed by that feature and i am one of them

    3d graffiti artists. Best graffiti 3d digital
  • Best graffiti 3d digital

  • AAPLaday
    Mar 31, 03:17 PM
    Wow! Designed by the same guy who did the new iTunes logo? :D

    3d graffiti artists. 3d graffiti art.
  • 3d graffiti art.

  • Hunabku
    Apr 22, 07:03 PM
    Not sure if anyone said this earlier but what about a liquid metal enclosure. That ought to keep dents and scratches away and allow for a thinner design.

    Edit: If it is gonna be Liquid Metal then this might be the iPhone 6 not the iPhone 5. Then in a similar way Joshua Topolsky was wrong about the iPad 2 with retina - he was getting rumors for a device that is further down the pike.

    3d graffiti artists. » 20 Impressive 3D Graffiti
  • » 20 Impressive 3D Graffiti

  • ratzzo
    Apr 23, 06:54 PM
    The more carriers with iPhone reach, the better. Competition only benefits us, the customers.

    3d graffiti artists. Amazing Graffiti Art Wall: 3D
  • Amazing Graffiti Art Wall: 3D

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 10:29 AM
    LOL...Right after Launcher Pro 3.


    3d graffiti artists. These 3D street artists gives
  • These 3D street artists gives

  • mattster16
    Sep 30, 09:49 AM
    so it is normal. this does not mean that anyone, technician or CEO, said it is acceptable. the technicians notes, imho, seem to merely state that the phone works as expected, normally, regardless of the networks issues.

    Thanks for saying it before I had to. Normal does not mean acceptable. Just like it's normal to be overweight in the U.S., this does not make it acceptable (although many seem to think so and take pride in it).

    3d graffiti artists. top-10-3d-graffiti-artists
  • top-10-3d-graffiti-artists

  • Mystikal
    Mar 16, 08:59 AM
    I know what your avatar is, and I saw them last year in concert they were ****in amazingggg

    Ahahaha yes! I am overly obsessed. I wont even get into it. Someone in line asked me yesterday at FI :D.

    3d graffiti artists. These 3D street artists gives
  • These 3D street artists gives

  • count chocula
    Jul 24, 05:37 PM
    I dont know what people see in the Mighty Mouse, I tried one out in a local computer shop and found it VERY frustrating to use.
    same here, but i expect they'll make improvements. i'll probably get one if i end up with a proper desk.

    13 days, 17 hours, and 23 minutes until we find out exactly what they've done with this thing.

    3d graffiti artists. 3 Amazing 3D Graffiti Artists:
  • 3 Amazing 3D Graffiti Artists:

  • Lixivial
    Aug 18, 03:40 PM
    This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.

    Have you ever used "Speakable Items" in OS X? When it works, which, in my experience, on Intel Macs is a big if, it is remarkably flexible and wonderful. It's a refined version of Mac OS 8 thru 9's, but has been neglected, I think. It's not to the point where you are talking about, but if Apple dedicated an entire team to it, I believe we could see it in a couple of point releases.

    You can already attach it to almost any system and application command, applescripts, hotkeys (cmd-A), menus, etc but its biggest problem is voice recognition (and stability). If they could work these kinks out, then I'd expect it to be a very refined and usable piece of software.

    Speaking of which, does anyone with the preview and an Intel Mac know how well Speakable Items performs? I have hopes because of Steve's presentation on improvements to "Universal Access."

    Nov 26, 08:01 AM
    The GeForce 9800 will work from what I have seen, thy this thread for more info. ( and here ( google "gpu folding" to find all kinds of info

    Let us know how it goes if you do get one to try.

    thanks for the reply and links. i'm not sure if the 9800GT is the route i'll go. but if i could run 2 of those, i'd probably get better ppd than just the smp on my mac pro. i might even try a better card if it'll work

    Oct 21, 08:00 AM
    Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas, he comes to us first by steamship, and then on a white horse. It is that important that the TV shows him arriving direct, plus tens of thousands are on the quayside. I hope to be there this year in Harderwijk on the 13th November with my grand children.

    Gifts are given on the 5th December

    I forgot to say what I want the Sinterklaas to bring me, Well Hayden Panettiere baby oil and a large bed::p

    Jan 30, 05:23 PM
    \. Our military occupies over 200 countries, .

    *Twilight Zone music playing...*

    Mar 17, 11:12 AM
    I think so coast got about 15 too. Rent a cop told us loiterers to leave

    Nov 3, 12:35 PM
    can someone post a link for DL? I would love to test this out...:-)

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