Sunday, May 29, 2011

motorbikes wallpapers

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  • wovel
    Apr 28, 12:31 PM
    No. No. No.

    Comparing Android vs. iOS : fine

    But why the arbitrary distinction of "phones". It's an OS that can be run on multiple devices. Do you compare Mac laptop share vs. Windows laptop share? (In any meaningful context, that is)?

    Actually it is not fine. There are still Android devices sold that will never run 2.0+

    What percentage of those Android phones are compatible with each other?
    The market share data needs to be looked at in a more nuanced way than "Apple Wins!" or "Android Wins!".

    The iPhone's market share *right now* is okay - enviable even - because, when combined with the interests of people who are buying iPhones *right now*, it means that developers have more incentive to make apps for iPhones than for Android...and the better app availability for iPhones makes the platform even better. (And to some extent the Touch and the iPad play a role here)

    The *trend* of the iPhone's market share is more concerning, though, and anyone interested in the future of the iPhone should pay attention to these numbers. (I'm sure Apple is). If the iPhone's marketshare drops too far, or stays too low for too long, there is a risk that developers may shift their resources to developing for Android first. Which will further undercut the iPhone's advantages.

    But these trends are certainly not fixed in stone...I know a lot of people (non-techies) who recently bought a 3GS...$49 for that phone is a steal. But $49 for the iP4 when the iP5 comes out will be even more of a steal...and, presumably, the old iP4 will be available on both AT&T and Verizon. And as more Verizon users come off of their contracts, there may be some additional iP uptake.

    I really see no reason why - with $49 phones available from both Verizon and AT&T, the iPhone market share shouldn't go up to 50% or beyond.

    The trend is iPhone Marketshare went up and Android went down...

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 12:15 PM
    It's called facts, not sure if you've ever come across this word before. I didn't particularly like what I saw, and milking the seizure was the right thing to do in order for these scumbags to go away. But it's just an observation that I and many have so why not say it?

    Facts? You have no proof that she was faking a seizure- none whatsoever. If you want to talk facts, then speak about what you actually know. You have NO WAY to prove she was faking. What you're engaging in is speculation.

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 12:21 PM
    I don't think that enjoying the products is a bad thing at all. I think I provide a good analogy. I never head a non investing bragging about how much money the electric company makes or how happy they were that their health insurance company had a record year. I just find it strange.

    Those are companies people don't get attached to. Apple and other tech companies are a much more personal choice, generally. It probably also helps because those people are excited that Apple is making more money, allowing them to deliver more new and innovative products then would be possible with lower cash flow.

    EDIT: Also, it's not a good analogy. You are comparing two completely different types of companies and asking why people don't care about them on the same level.

    Think of it this way: why do people care so much about their favorite hockey team winning? Can't they just be happy that they're playing? Of course not, the goal is to win.

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  • gri
    Jun 17, 02:20 PM
    Well, I guess the app contain an official exam and your results get posted directly... Obviously, it's not only a "text book" kind of app...

    That examen is worth nothing than - I would have the textbook lying next to me. Did you ever do a board examen here in the US...? No cell phones, no watches, no nothing. Camera watching you all the time...

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  • derek1984
    Apr 13, 01:59 PM
    Touchscreen TV?!?

    Panasonic owns Pioneer KURO technology. I won't hold my breath for this even if it does become true.

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  • jbanger
    Nov 29, 01:58 AM
    I'm from the old school of Schmidt Stixx and Powell & Peralta. I'm looking for a board with totem poles on either side of a temple. I'm unsure which of those companies made them Stixx or Peralta but its hasn't been in production since 87. if anybody knows and can find the name/picture it would be helpful (Yes these where the days when the young adult Tony Hawk ripped the scene just prior to showing that the 720 was possible and doable with STYLE).

    that kind of sounds familiar, let me put my thinking cap on....

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  • JGowan
    Apr 12, 09:39 AM
    I don't know what else Apple can add to its existing iPod line besides small improvements... a few of their recent "revolutions" (buttonless Shuffle, touch-screen nano) have actually been steps backward, imo.Absolutely, man I hated the Dentyne Shuffle. Of course, this happens from time to time � iPod 3 was a loser with the 4 touch buttons at the top. The nice thing about Apple, when they make true mistakes, it shows in the next revision when they come back to what works.

    I think the current iPod line is just about perfect. I just wish the Shiny Back would go away for the Classic and the Touch. Looks pretty for the first day... then even one scratch blows that.

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  • sciwizam
    Apr 23, 04:17 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Seriously? An apple rumors forum is no place fo a shareholder? That's absurd.

    "As you can see 260K people bought HTC Thunderbolt since Verizon started selling them (about a month). This translates to about 3 million phones annually. Clearly the demand is there. Also, you keep forgetting that other phones have swappable batteries."

    If you want to play numbers, the iPhone on Verizon (same carrier as thunderbolt) sold 2.2 million in two months, compared to a quarter million in one month for tbolt. Saying that equals 3million annually 1) makes it compete better with the iPhone over two months on a single carrier and 2) assumes that the numbers remain constant. Being that people are figuring out that the battery life is dreadful (and you forget that the majority of the market doesn't want to swap batteries like it's 1999) and that android phones have a short cycle of being the hottest new thing, I don't think there's a basis to assume consistent sales in line with their opening month. Numbers can say anything when there's no common sense behind it.

    Correction: 260000 HTC Thunderbolts in 2 weeks.

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  • MacDawg
    Jan 30, 12:38 PM
    Jon Cryer has to be the most unhappy guy in the world right now.

    I heard on the radio that the first thing he did every morning was to pull up TMZ to see what Charlie had done so if he knew whether to go to work or not

    And I saw a tweet that said that Lindsay Lohan was worried about him
    You know if she is worried about him you have reached the bottom

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  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 01:12 PM
    We can't have an opinion (which is shared by others) it seems. Yeah, what exactly do you know?

    Again- an opinion is not "fact".

    You were stating point blank that the seizure was obviously fake, and using various random, similarly unqualified posters to back you up. Whether it was a real seizure, a panic attack, blind terror or pure acting, what does it matter? You have no way of knowing, and it is not germane to the subject. If you have seen somebody kicked hard in the head and they end up having what appears to be a seizure shortly afterwards, it is far more appropriate to offer support rather than assuming anything at all.

    One would hope, which is what I reacted to in the first place.

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  • mhuk01
    Jul 25, 10:07 AM
    look at the bottom of

    what's this?

    Mighty Mouse � Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    i thought apple made them :S

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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 28, 07:46 AM
    I hate the name Zune.<snip>

    That word remind me of: dune or even worse - DOOM! :D

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  • lilo777
    Apr 22, 01:48 PM
    That's typical Apple. Intel chipset does not support USB 3.0? No USB 3.0 for Apple fans! NVIDIA GPUs do not work with SandyBridge? Stick with outdated C2D CPUs for years. What's more important - CPU/chip or case? In case of Apple, the case always wins. Apple is all about image. Once designed, the case should stay unchanged for many years. Apple will wait until somebody designs a "suitable" chip. Is not it kind of backward? Then we hear excuses from Apple fans why Apple could not use separate USB 3.0 controller. This would require redesign of the motherboard - Wow! Think of it - redesigning a motherboard! Some companies redesign tens of motherboards every year but Apple? No way. Now iPhone users will be stuck with outdated technology for a year or two and they will be feeding us all kinds of excuses why LTE can not be used in iPhone. Just ridiculous.

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  • Acerone
    Apr 22, 04:30 PM
    Not going to happen...

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  • lordonuthin
    Oct 16, 02:48 PM
    oh ok. well we are now #60. so someone else must have passed us as well. looks like we're safe there for a couple months at least

    We are only just a little bit slower than Lithuania we could retake them if we had a few more ppd. China is another story, that would take quite a bit higher ppd to get back in front of them, the longer they are in front of us the farther back we get :(

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  • CWT1965
    Apr 12, 09:35 AM
    Am sure Steve will want to launch this one, can't wait to see him back on stage again

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  • Eric374
    Apr 30, 04:30 PM
    i think you meant buy one get one free numbers instead of sales. omg i fed the troll.

    android is not a handset manufacturer. it just is a viral mobile platform supplier. it works for them for market share but low on maximum profitability. apple must be appreciated for what they are. Leaders. they did what everyone else was scared to do with smartphones (no stylus) and took the jump into a dead segment (tablets) and they went about it well and reaped the rewards. now johnny come lateley (goog) has come in with the "ours is almost as good but for FREE" and have roped in many marginally satisfied adopters. android's every success is a tribute to its forerunner and DADDY, apple, who still does it best and wont relinquish that fact ever because they Lead the entire industry in all things and they lead well. stop being so butthurt about it and raise your glass to the best. APPL!

    The most factually accurate post in this entire thread.

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  • gkhaldi
    Oct 24, 08:22 AM
    nch MacBook Pro, 2,33 GHz
    Bestelnummer: Z0DQ
    3 GB 667 DDR2 - 1x2 GB, 1x1 GB SO-DIMMs 065-6803
    SuperDrive 6x (DVD+R DL/DVD RW/CD-RW) 065-6625
    Breedbeeldscherm met glanzende toplaag 065-6632
    Toetsenbord met backlightverlichting (Belgisch) & Mac OS (Internationaal Engels) 065-6629
    Gelokaliseerde documentatie 065-6628
    Serial ATA-schijf van 160 GB (5400 rpm) 065-6624
    2,33-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 065-6642
    Verzendklaar: 5 dagen

    Says shipment within 5 days :eek: :eek: :eek:

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  • Swarmlord
    Oct 23, 09:25 AM
    I've got a question for you guys. Any of you Mac users that also run Windows on a box somewhere:

    Are any of you really going to upgrade to Vista when it comes out? or are you going to wait at least a year?

    I run Windows on several computers at home and use one at work. Supporting all types of computers is my line of work so I can't avoid it. I use my Mac to accomplish anything where I want reliable, predictable results though especially when it comes to video and graphics.

    I NEVER upgrade any of my personal computers to the latest Windows products until several months have passed. I have to install the product at work primarily to evaluate when it's ready to deploy.

    I used Windows 2000 until service pack 1 on XP came out and will probably do the same thing for Vista. Microsoft basically has to stop supporting a version of their OS before I feel compelled to upgrade though. It's only been about 6 months where the lack of updates on Windows 2000 has been a concern to me.

    Apr 30, 10:07 PM
    Which is why the real party begins after we know you are gone. When the kids are away, the adults will play. ;)

    Do words have no meaning? There can be no party without me there!

    Westside guy
    Jul 10, 01:24 PM
    Clearly you haven't had a look at Page 3 ( ;)

    He he he... oops.

    May 1, 09:56 PM
    From CNN:

    Apr 14, 06:31 AM
    Called it! (About 8 months ago. ;))

    May 4, 09:27 AM
    I'll be quite disappointed and most likely skip my first generation of iPhone if they don't integrate 4g antennas. If they're going to delay release (from their normal schedule) we would at least hope to see competitive hardware features with the android phones that come out on a seemingly daily basis.

    To chose a 4G phone over an iPhone in 2011 is a poor choice and the result of marketing and nothing more. Unless you live in spot with great 4G service and never plan to leave the house, you won't see average speeds any faster than an AT&T iPhone. Not to mention your web browser won't render pages half as fast as Safari, so speed differences are utterly negated.

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