Monday, May 2, 2011

Kathryn Bigelow Will Kill Bin Laden

While Oscar-scooping filmmaking team Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have been focusing a lot of energy on getting star-laden thriller Triple Frontier into shape, it was announced last December that they were quietly working on another film following a Black Ops team that we described back than as something which could be “so topical it hurts.” Well, it turns out that it’ll be even more topical than they thought since the untitled project follows the very team who ended up killing Osama Bin Laden on Sunday.

With his contacts in military intelligence, Boal had in fact been following the Navy SEAL team that was part of the search for Osama, and Bigelow had planned to turn his eventual script into a film for a while. Now Boal will be feverishly re-writing to add in the raid on the compound in Pakistan where he was eventually found and shot.

According to Variety, Bigelow plans to wait and see how the Arab world reacts to the news before pushing ahead too much further, but she still wants to kick off filming this summer, with casting now underway. There are also issues to be ironed out with where the movie can be shot and how secure the locations will have to be.

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