Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday inkblot*photography!

even though i'm almost a month late in doing this, i wanted to make sure that i took the time to set aside time to mention my 2nd blogaversary. yep, it's officially been two years (and one month) since i started this little doohickey, and i'm so glad that i've managed to stick with it through all this time.

i'm SO proud of what i've accomplished. i remember starting this blog freshman year at a time in my life when i really needed something to give me focus. being alone at college and feeling like you have no sense of purpose is hard (as i'm sure that anyone can attest to) and in more ways than one, this blog gave me a purpose, or at the very least something to aspire to.

there's really not much else i want to say other than thank you to all the people that have supported me in the last 2 years. thank you to my readers who keep finding a reason to come back and see what i have to offer, and to all you lovely ladies over at FBFF who've helped me discard my training wheels. it's been a great two years and i'm excited to keep going.

other than than i'd just like to take a second to mention the blog redesign. it's something i've been toying with for a while now and i've finally managed to pull the trigger. firstly, you'll notice that i've switched to  a white background. this was oddly painful for me to do since i've had a black background since this blog's inception. (my best friend once told me that smart people only write with black pens, so to this day i equate black with being taken seriously. i'm odd, i know...) the white honestly is a huge step in make the design look cleaner, wider and less cluttered. that's eye/brain trickery for you.

i've also nixed the sidebar. i really wanted to have a cleaner more simple template that was easier to navigate and less visually confusing. said sidebar is now the "footer bar"(?) or as phillyD likes to say the "pants bar". this part i'm afraid is still a little cluttered, but i've tried to organize it as logically as i can, and i'll continue to weed out unnecessary things as time goes by. i've also (finally) figured out how to put in the easy sharing buttons on each post (thanks again FBFF!) so feel free to like/tweet/tumble anything you find here that inspires you.

lastly, (there will be more on this later) i've decided to open up soundtrack saturday to any other bloggers who wish to participate. this is not an attempt to create a blogging meme or gain personal recognition. this is just me, realizing that i'm not the only blogger who is looking for a way to better integrate more of her other interests into her blog. i started SS because music is such a huge part of me and my life, and i wanted to find a way to include it in this blog in a way that didn't deviate from its intended purpose (ie. focusing in on fashion and photography) i figure that there are at least one or two other bloggers who feel the same way. fashion blogging relies so heavily on community, so creating a community is definitely something that i want to be a part of.

the details will be hashed out later, but i'm hoping to get that started soon. i hope that some of you will join me, even if it's purely out of curiosity.

Cate <3

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